An Aviation, Manufacturing & Technology Hub

The Port of Moses Lake is an aviation, manufacturing, and technology hub in the Pacific Northwest. Home to Grant County International Airport, one of the largest airports in the Western United States, the Port is surrounded by greenfield land and low population density, and is supplied with the most affordable renewable power of any county in the nation.

Site Selection

Everything needed for Business: As a major hub in rural central Washington, the Port of Moses Lake connects people and products to a global marketplace. The Port and its partners, including Grant County, Grant County Economic Development Council and the City of Moses Lake, collaborate closely to optimize benefits, incentives, and perks for site-seeking clients.

Airfield & Airside
  • World class with uncluttered airspace
  • Five runways, the longest being 13,503 feet by 200 feet
  • 350 days of good flying weather: “Visual Flight Rules”, or “VFR” in aviation parlance
  • FAA control tower and radar facility (Terminal Radar Approach Control - TRACON)
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Rail & Roads
  •  Existing BNSF Access
  •  Future direct rail access and connection to the BNSF
  •  Existing short-line railroad: Columbia Basin Railroad (CBRW)
  • Over-the-road: The Port is bordered by State Route 17 which runs north-south to nearby Interstate 90, which runs east-west, offering efficient access to the national road system in any direction
  • Northern Columbia Basin Railroad Project (NCBRP) Details 


       Segment 1 - Provides a new five-mile-long rail line to serve over 1,000 acres of industrial-zoned

                               lands in the Wheeler Industrial Corridor within Moses Lake.

       Segment 3 - Acquires and rehabilitates approximately three miles of existing track between Crab 

                              Creek and the GCIA to current standards to restore rail service to the Port and GCIA 

                              by connecting Segment 1 and the future Segment 2.

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Geography & Climate
  • The Port is less than five miles northwest of the central business district of Moses Lake
  • Average high temperature - Jan 34°F to July 88°F
  • Average low temperature - Jan 22°F to July 61°F
  • Average annual precipitation - 7.5 - 9 inches
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Context & Risk
  • The Port of Moses Lake has a relatively low potential for negative impacts resulting from most natural hazards per FEMA's National Risk Index (NRI of 10.21).
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Developable Land
  • Extensive, inexpensive land is immediately available for development, with most of our land pre-permitted and shovel ready.
  • Both the State of Washington and Grant County created distinct port designations to allow for streamlined development
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Regulatory & Governance
  • Land use: most of the current land use around the port is airport related or industrial in nature
  • Zoning: almost all port owned land is within the current Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) and has been established specifically to enable industrial growth. Agricultural opportunities abound nearby as well.
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  • Grant County PUD supplies some of the most inexpensive, reliable and renewable electric power in the United States
  • Though located in a dry part of the state, a great deal of water is available from Municipal and private options depending on use case and location.
  • Natural Gas available to east-side locations with expansion opportunities available.
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Incentives & Financing

In support of its mission to promote economic vitality and diversify the region’s economy, the Port and its partners are committed to creating and maintaining an environment that is financially appealing for companies.

  • No state income tax or corporate tax
  • Active Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ)
  • Located in a State Opportunity District
  • Manufacturing sales & use tax incentive
  • Food manufacturing B&O tax exemption for qualifying activities
  • Rural county B&O tax credit for new employees
  • Reduced B&O tax rate for aerospace businesses
  • The Port keeps track of financial assistance opportunities directly for, or on behalf of development related to new or expanding business
  • Close collaboration with economic development partners across the region.


Grant County is home to over 15,000 manufacturing related jobs, with Moses Lake providing the largest concentration of skilled workers within a short commute. Eastern Washington boasts robust workforce readiness strategies aligned with associated central Washington economic development.

Big Bend Community College

Adjacent to the Port of Moses Lake, the college provides academic and training programs. The Job Skills Program funds customized, short-term and job-specific training. The program pays up to one-half of the total costs of training with participating companies providing dollar-for-dollar cash or in-kind matches for the remainder. The college enrolls over 4,000 students per year, over 1,300 of which are receiving professional and technical degrees. The college offers 43 separate degree programs and 21 certificate programs.

Columbia Basin Technical Skills Center

With regional services, CBTECH provides provides access to comprehensive, industry-defined career and technical programs that prepares motivated high school students for employment, apprenticeships, and post-secondary education.

Vanguard Academy

The Academy seeks to provide hands-on learning, collaboration, innovation, critical thinking, and discovery in preparation for students’ professional development and life after graduation.

Multi-Modal Connectivity

  • The Port of Moses Lake is only seven minutes from Interstate 90, providing direct access to the national interstate network. This connection provides businesses with linkage to the marine ports of Seattle and Tacoma for import and export of crucial cargo.
  • Rail loading facilities in town at one of our Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) partners allows for swift movement of containers or bulk commodities across the US. In 2025, construction of a spur off the NCBR line will reintroduce uninterrupted rail access onto Port properties.
  • The Grant County International Airport is large enough to accommodate cargo or commercial aircraft of any size, allow for loading and unloading of oversize freight as well as providing service to technical stops or diverted aircraft.

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